Credit rating of the Czech Republic

Post date: Aug 07, 2016 8:16:25 AM

Credit rating of the Czech Republic

A given country’s credit rating constitutes an estimate of its ability to pay off government bonds, or in other words, return money it has borrowed from the public. The credit rating of a country is performed by various companies who look into the following main parameters:

The Czech Republic’s credit rating is based on the following facts:

The credit rating of the Czech Republic is determined by various different credit rating companies, each of which use their own rating scales.

The current credit rating of the Czech Republic

As of 2015, the Czech Republic was amongst the leading five nations in the world in regards to its position on credit rating scales. All of the top rating companies granted it a high rank in their rating scales, in spite of the differences between the rating scales of each company: 

Past Credit ratings of the Czech Republic

The credit rating of the Czech Republic has remained unchanged in recent years in all credit rating companies, which is indicative of economic stability. In fact, the credit rating of the Czech Republic has remained unchanged since 2011 according to the most rigorous Credit rating company (Standard and Poor’s) or since 2002 according to less rigorous credit rating companies:

The Credit rating of the Czech Republic has been characterized by a stable upwards trend since 1992 (in which Czechoslovakia split into the nations of Slovakia and the Czech Republic), according to two different credit rating companies:

The fact that the Czech Republic has received high and stable credit ratings makes it an extremely attractive country to invest in, and large companies such as Amazon have already transferred their offices to Prague- so can you! Contact us now for additional details.