The Czech Republic - A World Leader Among Strategic Services Centers

Post date: May 05, 2011 5:31:15 PM

The Czech Republic - A World Leader Among Strategic Services Centers

As published in Czech economical magazine EURO, according to analysis performed by Infosys (one of the biggest companies in the world in the field of information technologies and outsourcing of company processes) Czech Republic became one of the world leaders in investments to centres of strategic services. Sector of administrative centres in the Czech Republic employes already around 30 000 people and market value will reach 2 bilion dollars this year. According to the analysis Czech Republic became one of the three best places in Europe for centres of strategic services. Czech Republic attracted until now world concerns to open their branches such as IBM, DHL, Exxon Mobile, Skype, eBay or Tesco. Most recently electrotechnical giant Siemens announced that all its accounting and personal agenda for European countries will be administrated and processed from Prague and Ostrava. By this step Siemens confirms that Czech Republic belongs to one of the most attractive regions.

Czech Republic is fully involved in European structures, economical environment is stable and infrastructure is higly developed. Labour market offers big amount of experienced employees with high language skills. Big advantage of the Czech Republic is its geographical position in the heart of Europe.

The safest destinations for outsourcing:


The Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic is currently supporting investments in the field of strategic services and technological centres. Types of government supported investments are: centres of customer support, centres of shared services, cetres for software development, high-tech repair centres, technological centres concerning high-tech products and technologies and others. Main conditions for getting the support are: 1) minimum investment of 15 or 30 million CZK depending on the type of investment 2) obligation to finance its activity of its own equity in the minimum amount of 7,5 or 15 million CZK depending on the type of investment 3) obligation of making new positions for 15 or 50 new employees depending on the type of investment and 4) obligation to realize the annual turnover derived from sales of the assisted project or downstream products of at least 50% abroad.

In case you are interested in more information about governmental subsidies for your business in the Czech Republic, you can either enter the web page of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic or contact us for more information and assistance.