Export from Israel to the Czech Republic

Export from Israel to the Czech Republic

The Czech market, unlike the Israeli one, tends to conservatism and doesn’t rush to adopt new products and technologies. But once Czech customers decide that a particular product suits them, they don’t hurry to exchange it for another product. In plain words, the Czech customer is very loyal.

When one wants to export products or technologies to the Czech Republic, it is important to take this fact into account and to plan relatively long market entry time, which in the end will pay off.

It is important to consult first with professionals who can advise you on the right way to export products from Israel to the Czech Republic. As an Israeli-Czech company we have representatives in Israel and in the Czech Republic, we have much experience in importing Czech technologies and products, and we can help you – starting from the stage of carrying out the initial market survey, carrying out tasting sessions if necessary, locating distributors, and arranging meetings in the Czech Republic. We will also be there for you also throughout the actual process of exporting, including: coordination and work with the forwarding company, coordination with the port authorities, customs, the Ministries of Health and Agriculture where necessary, the Standards Institute, etc.

Please contact us today and ask us about the process of exporting to the Czech Republic.