Locating property in the Czech Republic
Locating property in the Czech Republic that was confiscated from the owners during the Holocaust or during the period of Soviet rule
The essence of our activity on the subject of locating property in the Czech Republic is based on carrying out historical justice by locating the property of Holocaust victims and returning it to their heirs. If you are survivors of a family that went through World War II and you know that your relatives had property in the Czech Republic, it is possible that it was confiscated by the German authorities or during the period of Soviet rule after the war. We can try to help you locate it. As a Czech company, our offices in the Czech Republic are in Prague and our employees can work with government ministries, the various authorities and the banks on an ongoing basis.
Even if your relatives were not in the Holocaust but you have some evidence and/or proof of ownership of property or bank accounts in the Czech Republic, we can try to help you find the property and then also provide you with the service of returning it to you or at least receiving compensation for it.
Conbiz specializes in locating real estate property, bank accounts and similar in the Czech Republic. We have done so with great success in the past and we will be glad to help you too in this matter now. After we locate the property we will investigate its legal status using experienced lawyers, prepare suitable contracts and, if you wish, also represent you in the Czech courts and to the various government bodies after locating the property or bank account.
If you know of property that belonged to any of your relatives in the Czech republic, if you have various documents relating to that property and you would like to know what happened to it and whether it is possible to get it back or to receive compensation for it, contact us and we will be glad to help you too.