Overall help for business visits
Overall help for business visits
We in Conbiz do our best for our clients’ success and will therefore acccompany you from the planning stage to the results stage and the return flight.
Before the meeting: a business visit begins long before the date of the visit with detailed preparation of precise, realistic timetables, arranging meetings with the right people, preparation and learning about the companies with whom you plan to meet. Sometimes advance inquiry can prevent great disappointment. For instance, thinking that the planned meeting is to take place with the company’s CEO and during the meeting it turns out that you are sitting with a junior clerk who cannot take any decisions. We will make sure that these things don’t happen.
Additional questions also arise: should you give a present at the meeting or not? What is the appropriate dress code for the nature of the meeting? Should you carry out the meeeting without intermediaries and speak English, or use the simultaneous translation services of a Czech speaker?
As a manager you won’t have to worry about the logistics at all; we will handle it all for you so that you can concentrate on getting results at the meeting.
As an Israeli-Czech company we have met many instances of business people who tried to save expenses by arranging their own meetings and arrived unaccompanied. On the whole, the meetings did not produce the desired results and this was because of unfamiliarity with local customs and Czech culture. Sometimes mistakes were made without the guest even knowing that he had made a mistake, and the cooperation was ruled out by the Czechs before the first meeting ended.
With our help you can rest assured that you will receive all the appropriate guidance before the meeting. During the meeting, our guide will point out micro-events that occur as they occur so that you can react immediately and correct whatever needs correcting.
If you are planning a business visit to the Czech Republic – please contact us today.