Import to Israel from the Czech Republic

Import to Israel from the Czech Republic

The Czech market has many advantages. The combination of the relatively low cost of local manpower, state-of-the-art technology and efficient labor, result in low costs in the field of manufacture. The Czech Republic is known as an exporter of all kinds of wood products, arms and ammunition, heavy industries of iron and other metals such as steel, and also machinery, cars, glass, and food products of various kinds. These facts attract many importers from Israel to import a variety of products from the Czech Republic.

However, we hear from Israeli importers of difficulties in doing business with the Czechs. It is clear to us that the main reason is the cultural difference between the countries.

It is important to consult first with professionals who can guide you in the right way to import from the Czech Republic. As an Israeli-Czech company we have representatives in Israel and in the Czech Republic, we have much experience in importing Czech technologies and products, and we can help you – from the stage of locating suppliers and arranging meetings in the Czech Republic to the process of importing to Israel in practice, including: coordination and work with the forwarding company, coordination with the port authorities, customs, the Ministries of Health and Agriculture where necessary, the Standards Institute, etc.

Please contact us today and ask us about the process of importing from the Czech Republic.